Refashioning Technology Hackathon Sumbission (2021)
I had the opportunity to participate in the Refashioning Technology Hackathon, hosted by the The Fashion Zone at Ryerson University, and the Ryerson Fashion Course Union. Asked to tackle various issues within Fashion Sustainability, I formed a group with five talented creative professionals, and together we designed a branded solution that brings AR, CLO 3D technology, and virtual garments into the mainstream DTC space to tackle the issue of garment waste and overconsumption in the fashion industry. I am extremely proud of the work we were able to accomplish in a mere 48 hours and I invite you to view our pitch deck.
In terms of my professional skill development during this project, one of the aspects I took a leadership role in was designing an interactive mockup of our ecommerce concept, complete with wireframing using Figma. This was a great chance for me to strengthen my Figma proficiency, and put the CX and Ecommerce Journey knowledge I've aquired through various academic courses into practice. I invite you to interact with my wireframe using this link:
This finished product would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of my talented team mates.
Branding, Logo, & Branded Slide Deck: Aisling Gogan
Website Design Mockup & Wireframe: Zoe Papakonstantino
Ideas, Words, Business Model and Pitch Content: Sabrina Chan,
Amelia Ferguson, Nadia Malik, Aisling Gogan, Zoe Papakonstantino